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PhD courses

All students are required to take a number of advanced courses as part of their PhD training, with a total number of 60 credits.

 Compulsory courses

A number of courses are compulsory for all students and can be found here. The compulsory courses should be attended as early as possible after the start of the PhD studies.

A special attention should be given to the course on Environmental issues and hazards in the chemical research laboratory. There are specific application forms to be field in order to be enlisted to a course. 

A number of subject-specific courses can also be found at the Department of Chemistry site. 

Other courses

There are many places to find other relevant courses. Courses of more general character can be found at the Natural Science faculty web site. These include courses in Scientific Writing, Project management, Writing research proposals, etc. A number of other courses are announced in due time. 


Please, always make sure that your credits are registered in LADOK after finishing a course!