Halle Research Group publications
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- The geometry of protein hydration.
F Persson, P Söderhjelm & B Halle, JChem Phys 148, 215101:1-21 (2018).
- Compressibility of the protein-water interface.
F Persson & B Halle, JChem Phys 148, 215102:1-12 (2018).
- How proteins modify water dynamics.
F Persson, P Söderhjelm & B Halle, JChem Phys 148, 215103:1-19 (2018).
- The spatial range of protein hydration.
F Persson, P Söderhjelm & B Halle, JChem Phys 148, 215104:1-15 (2018).
- Nuclear magnetic relaxation by the dipolar EMOR mechanism: Multi-spin systems.
Z Chang & B Halle, JChem Phys 147, 084203:1-16 (2017).
- Nuclear magnetic relaxation by the dipolar EMOR mechanism: Three-spin systems.
Z Chang & B Halle, JChem Phys 145, 034202:1-18 (2016).
- Nuclear magnetic relaxation by the dipolar EMOR mechanism: General theory with applications to two-spin systems.
Z Chang & B Halle, JChem Phys 144, 084202:1-16 (2016).
- Longitudinal relaxation in dipole-coupled homonuclear three-spin systems: Distinct correlations and odd spectral densities.
Z Chang & B Halle, JChem Phys 143, 234201:1-22 (2015).
- How amide hydrogens exchange in native proteins.
F Persson & B Halle, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA112, 10383-10388 (2015).
- Time scales of conformational gating in a lipid-binding protein.
S Kaieda & B Halle, J Phys Chem B 119, 7957–7967 (2015).
- Reply to comment on 'Hydration and mobility of trehalose in aqueous solution'.
B Halle, J Phys Chem B118, 10806–10812 (2014).
- Weak self-interactions of globular proteins studied by small-angle X-ray scattering and structure-based modeling.
S Kaieda, M Lund, T S Plivelic & B Halle, J Phys Chem B 118, 10111–10119 (2014).
- Structure and kinetics of chemically cross-linked protein gels from small-angle X-ray scattering.
S Kaieda, T S Plivelic & B Halle, Phys Chem Chem Phys 16, 4002–4011 (2014).
- Internal water and microsecond dynamics in myoglobin.
S Kaieda & B Halle, J Phys Chem B 117, 14676–14687 (2013).
- Mobility of core water in Bacillus subtilis spores by 2H NMR.
S Kaieda, B Setlow, P Setlow & B Halle, Biophys J105, 2016-2023 (2013).
- Nuclear magnetic relaxation induced by exchange-mediated orientational randomization: Longitudinal relaxation dispersion for a dipole-coupled spin-1/2 pair.
Z Chang & B Halle, JChem Phys 139, 144203:1-11 (2013).
- Analysis of protein dynamics simulations by a stochastic point process approach.
B Halle & F Persson, J Chem Theory Comput9, 2838-2848 (2013).
- Transient access to the protein interior: Simulation versus NMR.
F Persson & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc135, 8735-8748 (2013).
- Hydration and mobility of trehalose in aqueous solution.
L R Winther, J Qvist & B Halle, J Phys Chem B 116, 9196–9207 (2012).
- Nuclear magnetic relaxation induced by exchange-mediated orientational randomization: Longitudinal relaxation dispersion for spin I = 1.
T Nilsson & B Halle, J Chem Phys 137, 054503:1–15 (2012).
- Rotational dynamics in supercooled water from nuclear spin relaxation and molecular simulations.
J Qvist, C Mattea, Erik P Sunde & B Halle, J Chem Phys 136, 204505:1–16 (2012).
- Hydration dynamics of a halophilic protein in folded and unfolded states.
J Qvist, G Ortega, X Tadeo, O Millet & B Halle, J Phys Chem B 116, 3436–3444 (2012).
- Structural dynamics of supercooled water from quasielastic neutron scattering and
molecular simulations.
J Qvist, H Schober & B Halle, J Chem Phys 134, 144508:1–20 (2011).
- High water mobility on the ice-binding surface of a hyperactive antifreeze protein.
K Modig, J Qvist, C B Marshall, P L Davies & B Halle, Chem Phys Phys Chem 12, 10189–10197 (2010).
- Mechanism of 1H-14N cross-relaxation in immobilized proteins.
E P Sunde & B Halle, J Magn Reson203, 257–273 (2010).
- Slow internal protein dynamics from water 1H magnetic relaxation dispersion.
E P Sunde & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc131, 18214–18215 (2009).
- The physical basis of model-free analysis of NMR relaxation data from proteins and complex fluids.
B Halle, J Chem Phys131, 224507:1–22 (2009).
- The physical state of water in bacterial spores.
E P Sunde, P Setlow, L Hederstedt & B Halle, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA106, 19334-19339 (2009).
- Does the dynamic Stokes shift report on slow protein hydration dynamics?
B Halle & L Nilsson, J Phys Chem B 113, 8210-8213 (2009).
- Protein cold denaturation as seen from the solvent.
M Davidovic, C Mattea, J Qvist & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc131, 1025-1036 (2009).
- Time scales of water dynamics at biological interfaces: peptides, proteins and cells.
J Qvist, E Persson, C Mattea & B Halle, Faraday Discuss141, 131-144 (2009).
- Dynamics at the protein-water interface from 17O spin relaxation in deeply supercooled solutions.
C Mattea, J Qvist & B Halle, Biophys J95, 2951-2963 (2008).
- Internal sodium ions and water molecules in guanine quadruplexes: Magnetic relaxation dispersion studies of [d(G3T4G3)]2 and [d(G4T4G4)]2.
K Snoussi & B Halle, Biochemistry47, 12219-12229 (2008).
- A dry ligand-binding cavity in a solvated protein.
J Qvist, M Davidovic, D Hamelberg & B Halle, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA105, 6296-6301 (2008).
- Cell water dynamics on multiple time scales.
E Persson & B Halle, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA105, 6266-6271 (2008).
- Thermal signature of hydrophobic hydration dynamics.
J Qvist & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc130, 10345-10353 (2008).
- Nanosecond to microsecond protein dynamics probed by magnetic relaxation dispersion of buried water molecules.
E Persson & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc130, 1774-1787 (2008).
- Internal water molecules and magnetic relaxation in agarose gels.
F Vaca Chávez, E Persson & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc128, 4902-4910 (2006).
- Hydrogen exchange and hydration dynamics in gelatin gels.
F Vaca Chávez, E Hellstrand & B Halle, J Phys Chem B110, 21551-21559 (2006).
- Molecular theory of field-dependent proton spin-lattice relaxation in tissue.
B Halle, Magn Reson Med56, 60–72 (2006).
- Molecular basis of water proton relaxation in gels and tissue.
F Vaca Chávez & B Halle, Magn Reson Med56, 73–81 (2006).
- Protein self-association induced by macromolecular crowding: A quantitative analysis by magnetic relaxation dispersion.
K Snoussi & B Halle, Biophys J 88, 2855–2866 (2005).
- Molecular origin of time-dependent fluorescence shifts in proteins.
L Nilsson & B Halle, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA102, 13867-13872 (2005).
- Protein conformational transitions as seen from the solvent: Magnetic relaxation dispersion studies of water, co-solvent, and denaturant interactions with nonnative proteins.
In Protein Folding Handbook, Vol 1, J Buchner & T Kiefhaber (eds), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2005), pp 201–246.
- Dynamics of protein and peptide hydration.
K Modig, E Liepinsh, G Otting & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc126, 102–114 (2004).
- Biomolecular cryocrystallography: Structural changes during flash-cooling.
B Halle, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA101, 4793-4798 (2004).
- Protein hydration dynamics in solution: A critical survey.
B Halle, Phil Trans R Soc Lond B359, 1207–1224 (2004).
- Stabilization of internal charges in a protein: Water penetration or conformational change?
V P Denisov, J L Schlessman, B Garcia-Moreno & B Halle, Biophys J87, 3982–3994 (2004).
- Accelerated exchange of a buried water molecule in selectively disulfide-reduced bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor.
V P Denisov, J Peters, H D Hörlein & B Halle, Biochemistry43, 12020–12027 (2004).
- Competitive Na+ and Rb+ binding in the minor groove of DNA.
F Cesare Marincola, V P Denisov & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc126, 6739–6750 (2004).
- Water dynamics in the large cavity of three lipid-binding proteins monitored by 17O magnetic relaxation dispersion.
K Modig, M Rademacher, C Lücke & B Halle, J Mol Biol 332, 965–977 (2003).
- Temperature-dependent hydrogen-bond geometry in liquid water.
K Modig, B G Pfrommer & B Halle, Phys Rev Lett90, 075502:1–4 (2003).
- Water and urea interactions with the native and unfolded forms of a β-barrel protein.
K Modig, E Kurian, F G Prendergast & B Halle, Protein Sci12, 2768–2781 (2003).
- Trifluoroethanol-induced β→α transition in β-lactoglobulin: Hydration and cosolvent binding studied by 2H, 17O, and 19F magnetic relaxation dispersion.
S Kumar, K Modig & B Halle, Biochemistry42, 13708–13716 (2003).
- Biomolecular hydration: From water dynamics to hydrodynamics.
B Halle & M Davidovic, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA100, 12135-12140 (2003).
- Cross-relaxation between macromolecular and solvent spins: The role of long-range dipole couplings.
B Halle, J Chem Phys119, 12372–12385 (2003).
- Protein self-association in solution: The bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor decamer.
M Gottschalk, K Venu & B Halle, Biophys J 84, 3941–3958 (2003).
- Protein self-association in solution: The bovine β-lactoglobulin dimer and octamer.
M Gottschalk, H Nilsson, H Roos & B Halle, Protein Sci 12, 2404–2411 (2003).
- Self-association of lysozyme as seen by magnetic relaxation dispersion.
M Gottschalk & B Halle, J Phys Chem B107, 7914-7922 (2003).
- Proton magnetic shielding tensor in liquid water.
K Modig & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc124, 12031–12041 (2002).
- Flexibility and packing in proteins.
B Halle, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA99, 1274-1279 (2002).
- Hydrogen exchange rates in proteins from water 1H transverse magnetic relaxation.
V P Denisov & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc 124, 10264–10265 (2002).
- Magnetic relaxation dispersion studies of biomolecular solutions.
B Halle & V P Denisov, Methods Enzymol338, 178–201 (2001).
- Microsecond exchange of internal water molecules in bacteriorhodopsin.
M Gottschalk, N A Dencher & B Halle, J Mol Biol311, 605–621 (2001).
- Sequence-specific binding of counterions to B-DNA.
V P Denisov & B Halle, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA97, 629-633 (2000).
- Water molecules in the binding cavity of intestinal fatty acid binding protein: Dynamic characterization by water 17O and 2H magnetic relaxation dispersion.
S Wiesner, E Kurian, F G Prendergast & B Halle, J Mol Biol286, 233–246 (1999).
- Orientational order and dynamics of hydration water in a single crystal of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor.
K Venu, L A Svensson & B Halle, Biophys J77, 1074–1085 (1999).
- Deuteron relaxation dispersion in aqueous colloidal silica.
P Roose, H Bauwin & B Halle, J Phys Chem B103, 5167–5174 (1999).
- Dissection of the structural and functional role of a conserved hydration site in RNase T1.
U Langhorst, R Loris, V P Denisov, J Doumen, P Roose, D Maes, B Halle & J Steyaert, Protein Sci8, 722–730 (1999).
- Multinuclear relaxation dispersion studies of protein hydration.
In Biological Magnetic Resonance, Vol 17, N R Krishna & L J Berliner (eds), Kluwer/Plenum, New York (1999), pp 419–484.
- Magnetic relaxation dispersion: Principles and applications.
In Hydration Processes in Biology: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches, M C Bellisent-Funel (ed), IOS Press, Dordrecht (1999), pp 221–232.
- Water in biological systems: The NMR picture.
In Hydration Processes in Biology: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches, M C Bellisent-Funel (ed), IOS Press, Dordrecht (1999), pp 233–249.
- Hydration of denatured and molten globule proteins.
V P Denisov, B H Jonsson & B Halle, Nature Struct Biol6, 253–260 (1999).
- Dynamics of functional water in the active site of native carbonic anhydrase from 17O magnetic relaxation dispersion.
V P Denisov, B H Jonsson & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc121, 2327–2328 (1999).
- Water molecules in DNA recognition. Hydration lifetimes of trp operator DNA in solution measured by NMR spectroscopy.
M Sunnerhagen, V P Denisov, K Venu, A M J J Bonvin, J Carey, B Halle & G Otting, J Mol Biol 282, 847–858 (1998).
- Minor groove hydration of DNA in solution: Dependence on base composition and sequence.
J Jóhannesson & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc120, 6859–6870 (1998).
- Model-free analysis of stretched relaxation dispersions.
B Halle, H Jóhannesson & K Venu, J Magn Reson135, 1–13 (1998).
- NMR studies of lyotropic liquid crystals.
In Phase Transitions in Complex Fluids, P Tolédano & A M Figueiredo Neto (eds), World Scientific, Singapore (1998), pp 81–109.
- Water and monovalent ions in the minor groove of B-DNA oligonucleotides as seen by NMR.
B Halle & V P Denisov, Biopolymers48, 210–233 (1998).
- Thermal denaturation of ribonuclease A characterized by water 17O and 2H magnetic relaxation dispersion.
V P Denisov & B Halle, Biochemistry37, 9595–9604 (1998).
- Water 1H magnetic relaxation dispersion in protein solutions. A quantitative assessment of internal hydration, proton exchange, and cross-relaxation.
K Venu, V P Denisov & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc119, 3122–2134 (1997).
- Fluid membrane interactions probed by nuclear spin relaxation.
P-O Quist & B Halle, Phys Rev Lett78, 3689–3692 (1997).
- NMR identification of hydrophobic cavities with low water occupancies in protein structures using small gas molecules.
G Otting, E Liepinsh, B Halle & U Frey, Nature Struct Biol 4, 396–404 (1997).
- Dimethyl sulfoxide binding to globular proteins: A nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion study.
H Jóhannesson, V P Denisov & B Halle, Protein Sci6, 1756–1763 (1997).
- Diffusion in a fluctuating random geometry.
B Halle & S Gustafsson, Phys Rev E55, 680–686 (1997).
- Orientational correlations and spin relaxation in lamellar fluid membrane phases.
B Halle & S Gustafsson, Phys Rev E56, 690–707 (1997).
- Diffusion on a flexible surface.
S Gustafsson & B Halle, J Chem Phys106, 1880–1887 (1997).
- Spin relaxation by collective director fluctuations and molecular diffusion in lamellar phases. Continuum theory of relaxation anisotropy and dispersion.
S Gustafsson & B Halle, J Chem Phys106, 9337–9352 (1997).
- Spin relaxation by diffusion on biaxial rods.
S Gustafsson & B Halle, J Chem Phys 107, 1460–1469 (1997).
- Orientational disorder and entropy of water in protein cavities.
V P Denisov, K Venu, J Peters, H D Hörlein & B Halle, J Phys Chem B101, 9380–9389 (1997).
- Kinetics of DNA hydration.
V P Denisov, G Carlström, K Venu & B Halle, J Mol Biol 268, 118–136 (1997).
- Solvent diffusion in ordered macrofluids: A stochastic simulation study of the obstruction effect.
H Jóhannesson & B Halle, J Chem Phys104, 6807–6817 (1996).
- Orientational order and micelle size in the nematic phase of the cesium pentadecafluorooctanoate-water system from the anisotropic self-diffusion of water.
H Jóhannesson, I Furó & B Halle, Phys Rev E53, 4904–4917 (1996).
- Amphiphilic liquid crystalline samples: Nuclear spin relaxation.
In Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, D M Grant & R K Harris (eds), Wiley, Chichester (1996), pp 790–797.
- Spin dynamics of exchanging quadrupolar nuclei in locally anisotropic systems.
B Halle, Progr NMR Spectrosc28, 137–159 (1996).
- Using buried water molecules to explore the energy landscape of proteins.
V P Denisov, J Peters, H D Hörlein & B Halle, Nature Struct Biol 3, 505–509 (1996).
- Protein hydration dynamics in aqueous solution.
V P Denisov & B Halle, Faraday Discuss103, 227–244 (1996).
- A new view of water dynamics in immobilized proteins.
B Halle & V P Denisov, Biophys J69, 242–249 (1995).
- Microemulsions as macroelectrolytes.
B Halle & M Björling, J Chem Phys103, 1655–1668 (1995).
- Orientation-dependent electrical double-layer interactions. Rodlike macroions of finite length.
B Halle, J Chem Phys102, 7238–7250 (1995).
- Molecular segregation and aggregate shape in a lyotropic rectangular phase.
S Gustafsson, P-O Quist & B Halle, Liquid Cryst18, 545–553 (1995).
- Micelle size and orientational order across the nematic-isotropic transition: A field-dependent nuclear spin relaxation study.
I Furó & B Halle, Phys Rev E51, 466–477 (1995).
- Residence times of the buried water molecules in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and its G36S mutant.
V P Denisov, B Halle, J Peters & H D Hörlein, Biochemistry34, 9046–9051 (1995).
- Direct observation of calcium-coordinated water in calbindin D9k by nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion.
V P Denisov & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc117, 8456–8465 (1995).
- Protein hydration dynamics in aqueous solution: A comparison of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and ubiquitin by 17O spin relaxation dispersion.
V P Denisov & B Halle, J Mol Biol 245, 682–697 (1995).
- Hydrogen-exchange and protein hydration: The deuteron spin relaxation dispersions of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and ubiquitin.
V P Denisov & B Halle, J Mol Biol245, 698–709 (1995).
- Dynamics of the internal and external hydration of globular proteins.
V P Denisov & B Halle, J Am Chem Soc116, 10324–10325 (1994).
- Magnetic field induced biaxiality in nematic liquid crystals. Consequences for nuclear spin relaxation.
B Halle, Liquid Cryst 17, 759–773 (1994).
- Surface forces, undulating bilayers and nuclear spin relaxation.
B Halle, Phys Rev E50, R2415–R2418 (1994).
- Membrane flexibility in a dilute lamellar phase: a multinuclear magnetic resonance study.
B Halle & P-O Quist, J Physique II (Paris)4, 1823–1842 (1994).
- Microstructure and thermodynamics of a lamellar phase with disrupted surfactant bilayers.
P-O Quist, K Fontell & B Halle, Liquid Cryst16, 235–256 (1994).
- A new method for selective detection of "invisible" quadrupolar satellites in heterogeneous systems.
I Furó, B Halle & P-O Quist, J Magn Reson B 102, 84–90 (1993).
- Group theoretical analysis of nuclear spin relaxation in liquid crystals and molecular solids.
S Gustafsson & B Halle, Molec Phys80, 549–582 (1993).
- Microstructure and dynamics in lyotropic liquid crystals. Principles and applications of nuclear spin relaxation.
B Halle, P-O Quist & I Furó, Liquid Cryst14, 227–263 (1993).
- A fluctuation approach to solvation in polar fluids.
G Karlström & B Halle, J Chem Phys99, 8056–8062 (1993).
- Curvature defects in a lamellar phase revealed by nuclear spin relaxation anisotropy.
P-O Quist & B Halle, Phys Rev E47, 3374–3395 (1993).
- Micelle size and order in lyotropic nematic phases from nuclear spin relaxation.
P-O Quist, B Halle & I Furó, J Chem Phys96, 3875–3891 (1992).
- Anisotropic 23Na spin relaxation in liquid crystals. Determination of all nine spectral densities for a hexagonal lyotropic phase.
P-O Quist, I Blom & B Halle, J Magn Reson100, 267–281 (1992).
- Counterion spin relaxation in microemulsion droplets.
P Huang Kenéz, G Carlström, I Furó & B Halle, J Phys Chem96, 9524–9531 (1992).
- Director fluctuations and nuclear spin relaxation in lyotropic nematic liquid crystals.
B Halle, P-O Quist & I Furó, Phys Rev A45, 3763–3777 (1992).
- Theory of spin relaxation in bicontinuous cubic liquid crystals.
B Halle, S Ljunggren & S Lidin, J Chem Phys97, 1401–1415 (1992).
- Spin relaxation in cubic liquid crystals. The role of symmetry.
B Halle, Liquid Cryst12, 625–639 (1992).
- 2D Quadrupolar-echo spectroscopy with coherence selection and optimized pulse angle.
I Furó & B Halle, J Magn Reson98, 388–407 (1992).
- Multiple quantum NMR spectroscopy on I > 1 nuclei in anisotropic systems.
I Furó & B Halle, Molec Phys76, 1169–1197 (1992).
- Nuclear spin relaxation in a hexagonal lyotropic liquid crystal.
P-O Quist, B Halle & I Furó, J Chem Phys95, 6945–6961 (1991).
- Theory of spin relaxation by diffusion on curved surfaces.
B Halle, J Chem Phys94, 3150–3168 (1991).
- 2H NMR relaxation in phospholipid bilayers. Toward a consistent molecular interpretation.
B Halle, J Phys Chem95, 6724–6733 (1991).
- Methods for NMR studies of I > 1 nuclei in anisotropic systems with small quadrupole splitting.
I Furó, B Halle & L Einarsson, Chem Phys Lett182, 547–550 (1991).
- Charge fluctuations and microemulsion conductivity.
B Halle, Progr Colloid Polym Sci82, 211–217 (1990).
- Counterion surface diffusion in a lyotropic mesophase: A 23Na two-dimensional quadrupolar echo NMR relaxation study.
I Furó, B Halle, P-O Quist & T C Wong, J Phys Chem94, 2600–2613 (1990).
- Counterion NMR in heterogeneous aqueous systems. A Molecular Dynamics simulation study of the electric field gradient.
P Linse & B Halle, Molec Phys67, 537–573 (1989).
- Spin relaxation of I > 1 nuclei in anisotropic systems. Inversion recovery and even-rank polarization decay.
I Furó & B Halle, J Chem Phys91, 42–51 (1989).
- Shape fluctuations and water diffusion in microemulsion droplets. A nuclear spin relaxation study.
G Carlström & B Halle, J Phys Chem93, 3287–3299 (1989).
- The state of water in non-ionic surfactant solutions and lyotropic phases. An 17O magnetic relaxation study.
G Carlström & B Halle, J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 185, 1049–1063 (1989).
- Water dynamics and aggregate structure in reversed micelles at sub-zero temperatures. A deuteron spin relaxation study.
P-O Quist & B Halle, J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 184, 1033–1046 (1988).
- NMR lineshapes from quadrupolar nuclei in biaxial lyotropic structures. Elliptic rod with nonuniform molecular distribution and orientational order.
P-O Quist & B Halle, Molec Phys65, 547–562 (1988).
- NMR lineshapes for nuclei diffusing in magnetically heterogeneous systems.
B Halle & P-O Westlund, Molec Phys63, 97–123 (1988).
- The shape of ionic micelles.
B Halle, M Landgren & B Jönsson, J Physique (Paris)49, 1235–1259 (1988).
- On the cyclotron resonance mechanism for magnetic field effects on transmembrane ion conductivity.
B Halle, Bioelectromagnetics9, 381–385 (1988).
- Spin relaxation of I > 1 nuclei in anisotropic systems. Two-dimensional quadrupolar echo Fourier spectroscopy.
I Furó, B Halle & T C Wong, J Chem Phys89, 5382–5397 (1988).
- Nuclear spin quenching: A new probe of exchange kinetics and droplet size in disperse systems.
G Carlström & B Halle, Molec Phys64, 659–678 (1988).
- Water dynamics in microemulsion droplets. A nuclear spin relaxation study.
G Carlström & B Halle, Langmuir4, 1346–1352 (1988).
- Nuclear spin relaxation induced by lateral diffusion on a fixed or freely rotating spheroidal surface.
B Halle, Molec Phys61, 963–980 (1987).
- Theory of intramolecular spin relaxation by translational diffusion in locally ordered fluids. III. Cylindrical interfaces.
B Halle, Molec Phys60, 319–370 (1987).
- Water spin relaxation in colloidal systems. 2. 17O and 2H relaxation in protein solutions.
L Piculell & B Halle, J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 182, 401–414 (1986).
- Water spin relaxation in colloidal systems. 3. Interpretation of the low-frequency dispersion.
B Halle & L Piculell, J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 182, 415–429 (1986).
- Ion diffusion at charged interfaces. A stochastic dynamics simulation test of the Smoluchowski-Poisson-Boltzmann approximation.
T Åkesson, B Jönsson, B Halle & D Y C Chan, Molec Phys57, 1105–1137 (1986).
- Interpretation of counterion spin relaxation in polyelectrolyte solutions. Effects of finite polyion length.
B Halle, D Bratko & L Piculell, Ber Bunsenges Phys Chem89, 1254–1260 (1985).
- Theory of intramolecular spin relaxation by translational diffusion in locally ordered fluids. II. Further results for systems with planar interfaces.
B Halle, Molec Phys56, 209–221 (1985).
- The effect of intermolecular interactions on the 2H and 17O quadrupole coupling constants in ice and liquid water.
P L Cummins, G B Bacskay, N S Hush, B Halle & S Engström, J Chem Phys82, 2002–2013 (1985).
- Interpretation of counterion spin relaxation in polyelectrolyte solutions.
B Halle, H Wennerström & L Piculell, J Phys Chem 88, 2482–2494 (1984).
- Theory of intramolecular spin relaxation by translational diffusion in locally ordered fluids. I. Continuum diffusion versus discrete-state exchange in systems with planar interfaces.
B Halle, Molec Phys53, 1427–1461 (1984).
- The Smoluchowski-Poisson-Boltzmann description of ion diffusion at charged interfaces.
D Y C Chan & B Halle, Biophys J46, 387–407 (1984).
- Dissociation kinetics of secondary-minimum flocculated colloidal particles.
D Y C Chan & B Halle, J Colloid Interface Sci 102, 400–409 (1984).
- Prototropic charge migration in water. 1. Rate constants in light and heavy water and in salt solution from 17O spin relaxation.
B Halle & G Karlström, J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 2 79, 1031–1046 (1983).
- Prototropic charge migration in water. 2. Interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance and conductivity data in terms of model mechanisms.
B Halle & G Karlström, J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 279, 1047–1073 (1983).
- Water 17O magnetic relaxation in polyelectrolyte solutions.
B Halle & L Piculell, J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 178, 255–271 (1982).
- Nearly exponential quadrupolar relaxation: A perturbation treatment.
B Halle & H Wennerström, J Magn Reson44, 89–100 (1981).
- Interpretation of magnetic resonance data from water nuclei in heterogeneous systems.
B Halle & H Wennerström, J Chem Phys75, 1928–1943 (1981).
- Hydration of ionic surfactant micelles from water oxygen-17 magnetic relaxation.
B Halle & G Carlström, J Phys Chem85, 2142–2147 (1981).
- Protein hydration from water oxygen-17 magnetic relaxation.
B Halle, T Andersson, S Forsén & B Lindman, J Am Chem Soc103, 500–508 (1981).
- Ion distributions in lamellar liquid crystals. A comparison between results from Monte Carlo simulations and solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation.
B Jönsson, H Wennerström & B Halle, J Phys Chem84, 2179–2185 (1981).
- Chloride ion binding to human plasma albumin from chlorine-35 quadrupole relaxation.
B Halle & B Lindman, Biochemistry17, 3774–3781 (1978).
- Internal motion at chloride binding sites of human serum albumin by NMR relaxation studies.
T E Bull, B Halle & B Lindman, FEBS Lett 86, 25–28 (1978).