Postgraduate Courses in the Life Sciences

The field of life sciences is rapidly evolving, marked by new methodologies and groundbreaking discoveries in biology and medicine. These advancements have spurred the emergence of exciting interdisciplinary research areas, transcending the conventional boundaries between biology, engineering, and physics.
In order to bring doctoral students up to speed on these exciting developments, a cross-disciplinary initiative coordinates a package of courses aimed at PhD students at Lund University (LTH and N) and SLU, Alnarp. The courses are designed to equip students with knowledge and skills that are relevant to their own research.
The courses within the package are typically intensive one-week full-time hands-on courses with a limited number of participants (typically eight), to ensure that students receive excellent individual tuition. Each course is recommended to give 3 ECTS credits ("högskolepoäng") in the LADOK register.
Information on available courses can be found here. Applications are received each year between May and June and all courses are given September-December. Please note that the courses are not open to master students! You have to certify that you are a registered PhD student when you apply.
The course package is funded by the Faculty of Science, Engineering and by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Alnarp.