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Life Science Courses at Lund University

Benefits with the program:

  • A broadened training and new challenging experiences are provided to PhD students.
  • A large number of courses offered regularly, giving students plenty of options to choose from.
  • Short intense courses given are easily accommodated within the postgraduate curriculum.
  • With participant number limited to 8, a high-quality tuition is given in research labs.
  • Course leaders are appointed by a reference group and are specialists in their fields.
  • Course leaders can solely concentrate on their courses, as the application and admission process has been streamlined.

  • A rapid spread of novel methods between research groups is facilitated.
  • Both PhD students and course leaders make new contacts for collaboration.
  • New contacts are established across research group and department boundaries.
  • No fee is required for students at LU (LTH and N) and SLU (Alnarp) since the courses are financed by those faculties.