Bioanalytical HPLC - week 41
Course code NAKE006
Course description
This course covers modern liquid chromatography (HPLC and UHPLC) that are especially used for bioanalytical applications. The emphasis is on understanding the separation processes involved and the instrumentation used, including different detection techniques. For accurate quantitative or qualitative analysis, liquid chromatography is today combined with different mass spectrometric techniques. For a deeper insight into mass spectrometric detection the LifeScience course “Mass spectrometry for small molecules” is recommended.course covers modern liquid chromatography (HPLC) especially for bioanalytical applications. The emphasis is on understanding the separation processes involved and the instrumentation used.
Bioanalytical HPLC includes advanced theoretical treatment of liquid chromatographic separation modes and the underlying distribution and adsorption equilibria including reversed-phase chromatography, normal-phase chromatography, ion chromatography, ion-pair chromatography, hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC), size exclusion chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography. Sample preparation of biological samples and optimisation strategies for reversed-phase liquid chromatographic applications including selection of column and mobile phase compositions. Instrumentation and simple troubleshooting for high-performance liquid chromatography with universal and selective detection.
Course organizer
Margareta Sandahl
Center for Analysis and Synthesis
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science (N)
Lund University
More information
Margareta Sandahl
Tel: +46 (0)46 222 49 95