Our people

NMR Spectroscopy

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Our people

Welcome to CMPS!

The Center for Molecular Protein Science (CMPS) brings together scientists active within the fields of biochemistry, molecular biophysics, structural biology, and physical and theoretical chemistry. Our research focuses on major areas of modern biochemistry and molecular biology. We want to understand the molecular mechanisms of biological processes by exploring the structure, dynamics, interactions and function of proteins. For more information on the different research areas covered by CMPS, please visit our Research page .

CMPS offers undergraduate and Master's level courses in biochemistry and biochemical techniques, as well as various courses in biophysical chemistry, NMR spectroscopy, and general physical chemistry. We also host the Master’s program in Biochemistry

For more information on our courses and Master’s program, please see the Education & Masters programme page .

CMPS is a highly integrated center comprising the divisions of Biochemistry and Structural Biology (Faculty of Science) and Biophysical Chemistry (Faculty of Engineering, LTH).

More about us:

CMPS offers PhD students and postdocs a highly creative environment that stimulates outstanding research.

We are proud to be the home of cutting edge research projects funded by the following prestigious grants: one ERC-Consolidator, one ERC-Advanced, one ERC-Synergy, three Knut and Alice Wallenberg Project Grants, as well as one VR starting grant, one MSCA postdoctoral fellowship, and VR project grants.

In the past, we have received another ERC-Advanced grant and two additional KAW project grants. 


In accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance it is hereby announced that:

Balder Werin

has submitted the following thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry

Expression and Purification of Channel Proteins : Aiming at structural and functional understanding of TRPAs and Aquaporins

The public defence of the thesis will take place on Monday June 3rd, 2024 at 09:00 a.m. in Sal A Kemicentrum, KC:A.

The external faculty opponent (examiner) is: Professor David Drew, Stockholm University

On behalf of the Dean of the Faculty of Science.


CMPS Seminars

Thursdays at 09:00 in the lunch room